The USAF is an organization comprised of member dojo throughout the USA, Canada and other parts of the world, and individual membership is recognized through a USAF member dojo. The USAF values each member dojo and each individual, and is committed to creating a strong and vibrant community.
Though the list below includes, but is not limited to, the many benefits of USAF membership, what is most difficult to list is the tremendous community of dedicated Aikido instructors and practitioners that exist within this organization. Members meet regularly at seminars, share information about their dojo and thoughts in our newsletter, and truly feel they belong to a special community. As an organization rich in history, many of our members have been friends on and off the mat for over 40 years. New members are welcome at all events, and a community of support, encouragement, and the joy of practicing Aikido, bonds these friendships for life.
- Instruction by Shihan who have a direct lineage to O-Sensei
- USAF Shihan and dan ranks that are Hombu recognized and appointed
- A strong and historical link to Hombu dojo and the International Aikido Federation through our Shihan
- National seminars all year, including regionally-based seminars sponsoring one or more USAF Shihan
- A USAF sponsored summer camp, with invited Shihan and instructors from around the world
- Eligibility for USAF Summer Camp scholarship program
- Special classes at seminars (for instructors, first aid training, etc.)
- Relationships with dojo around the world
- A comprehensive & interactive website with dojo and seminar listings
- Online access to all forms, dojo database, online paperwork, email and mailing lists, etc.
- Kyu & Dan rank processing and certificates; dan ranks certified through Hombu Dojo
- Fukushidoin and Shidoin certification
- Standard Kyu and Dan testing requirements
- A "Code of Conduct" which ensures fairness and equality
- Regular online newsletter with member contributions, news, announcements etc.
- USAF Student handbook available to all members