Spring Seminar
North Coast Aikikai is honored to have Andy Demko 7th dan Shihan of the U.S.A.F. Technical committee & Chief Instructor of Aikido of New Castle leading our Spring Seminar in Cleveland. Also instructing will be Salvatore LaCorte 6th dan Shidoin & Chief instructor of North Coast Aikikai. Seminar dates is May 17 & 18th 2019. Please check the attached flyer or the NCA website www.ncaikikai.com, or call the dojo at 440-622-6485 for details.
North Coast Aikikai
36495 Vine St., Unit-J
Willoughby, OH 44094
May, 17th 2019
May, 18th 2019
Class Schedule:
Friday May 17th 2019, 6:45pm @ the dojo, Saturday May 18th 2019, 10:00am, 11:15am, 1:15pm, 2:30pm @ Lakeland Community College, Party following class @ dojo. Friday only $15.00, Saturday only $70.00, Full Seminar with Party $75.00
- Andrew P. Demko
- Salvatore J. Lacorte