PETER BERNATH, Shihan, and GUSTAVO J. RAMOS, Shidoin, to Miami Aikikai


Fundraising Seminar for Cuban Yudansha

We are having a fundraiser to help our friends and fellow aikidoka in Cuba to be able to afford their dan ranks. The seminar is sponsored by Florida Aikikai and Miami Aikikai. Classes will be from 10:00am - 4:00pm. Teachers to include Peter Bernath, Shihan, and Gustavo Ramos from Miami Aikikai, Arturo Bonachea, from Pinellas Aikikai and Omar Lam, from Santiago de las Vegas Aikikai.

The suggested donation is $50.00. Please also bring any unused (in any condition) gis. We will be sending them to Cuba as well. The seminar will be at our new address location: Galloway Shops, 2656 SW 87th Ave., 2nd Floor, Miami, Florida 33165

Thank you


Miami Aikikai
Galloway Shops, 2nd Floor
2656 SW 87th Avenue
Miami, FL 33165


January, 21st 2017

Class Schedule:

Saturday - January 21, 2017; 10:00am - 4:00pm


  • Peter Bernath
  • Gustavo J. Ramos

Event media: